Thursday, April 26, 2012

The Simpsons Movie

"We have a good life in Alaska, and we're never going back to America!" -- Homer Simpson

"This book doesn't have any answeres!" -- Homer reading the Bible

"He's been talking about it, but I never took him seriously..."
-- Chief Wiggum on bomb diffusing robot's suicide

"Well, for once, the rich white man is in control!" -- Mr. Burns

"Stop in the name of American squeamishness!" -- Chief Wiggum

"The government actually found someone we're looking for!" -- NSA Employee

"I was elected to lead, not to read." -- Arnold Schwarzenegger

'Itchy/ Clinton' -- on the sign of a mouse for the campaining cartoon character in the intro clip

"Hello, I'm Tom Hanks. The US Government has lost its credibility so it's borrowing some of mine."

"We pay every resident a thousand dollars to allow the oil companies to ravage our state's natural beauty." -- Alaskan entrance booth manager

 'Dome Sweet Dome' (written in the towel being knitted by Marge Simpson)

"You just bought another load of crap from the worlds fattest fertilizer salesmen." -- Bart Simpson

-- Homer is trapped between a rock and a tavern called, "A Hard Place", in refrence to the idiom


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